New Supply and Demand Improvements
under review
Logan Hurlbut
I noticed that when you have the legacy selection turned on for Inventory History the part number does not populate. The window pulls up but the screen shows no data because the part number is not loading.
Also, when you type in a part number it would be great to hit enter TAB to select it or even ENTER. I noticed this didn't work when I selected two or more part numbers and then clicked ENTER and it works then. It must have something to do with clicking into the list that allows ENTER to work. I think adding TAB to select the part number like the old S&D will be an easier transition for people.
Also, the scaling is way to big. It takes up so much room. Something should be done to increase screen efficiency.
Trent Maynard
under review
Trent Maynard
Hey Logan Hurlbut, thanks for the feedback.
The part number not being populated in the Legacy Inventory History screen was an issue but was corrected. If it's not released already it will be in this weeks patch.
On this one, currently you can arrow down one time to be focused on the highlighted row and hit enter. You can also turn the option OFF to auto invoke the lookup under the settings 'gear' icon. With this off, typing in a part and tabbing would work...then you can use F3 to open the lookup quickly if you need to search for a part.
The scaling has been a large complaint that text is too small. We've done a couple things to address this including it now adjusts the font in the screen based on what you have set for your "Menu Tree Font" setting under Menu Options. It also takes into account scaling percentage you have setup in your display settings. If you could send me a screenshot of what the screen looks like for you as well as a screen shot of your display preferences, particularly the "Scale and Layout" section. I'd be happy to have them look into it. Just email it directly to