Hidden columns
Ken Cave
Hey Trent Maynard I have done the save feature and it does save 90% of the screen but I still have to pull the work order number and work order suffix column out of the column chooser even after saving a custom view.
Trent Maynard
Ken Cave: Yeah you have to click save after pulling those columns in and getting it the way you want it. Then it will save it. It's not the most intuitive, and are aware of that, some changes are coming to how that works but it should be working for you like I explained. Let me know if it's not and I can hop on and take a look at it. You can email me directly at tmaynard@gssmail.com, this post may be hard for you to find since I've marked it as complete. Let me know.
Trent Maynard
Trent Maynard
Hey Ken Cave, thanks for the feedback. Assuming you're talking about the inventory history gridview that you're launching off of Supply and Demand, and not the legacy inventory history screen, you can click the save icon at the top once you have the columns the way you want to save your layout to a custom view mode. This will save the grid the way that you like it and you can get back to it by clicking on the custom view on the right hand side, once you've saved it/came back in.