Font in new S&D too big
under review
Aaron Kuehner
I like the font size. Our office runs on large HD monitors, so the current size works well. If there is to be a change with shrinking the font, it would be great if there's an option to keep it large... or just have it obey the menu font size, as per others' suggestions.
Come to think of it, shrinking the window doesn't work well, because there are many number-based fields that are long enough to hold a short sentence, and they don't go smaller. This may be causing part of the too large perception. I'll take this concept to another post.
Jason Taylor
I have attempted to change my display settings and tree font size as well and it does not seem to affect s and d. I even tried closing, changing setting and reopening to no avail.
Matt Marean
My tree font size is 11 and my display setting is 100%. So this screen isn't following either of these options.
Trent Maynard
under review
Trent Maynard
Thanks for the feedback.
So there's 2 things that effect the size of font on the screen:
1.) The menu tree font size under your menu options. If you have this set to 12, 13, or 14 it will be a decent size larger than "normal" in the screen.
2.) It takes into account the scaling percentage you have setup under your PC's display settings. So if you have it set to 150% and you have your menu tree font size setup your text will be REALLY large.
Let me know what your user that is experiencing the issue has it set at so we can investigate.
Stephanie Gomola
Trent Maynard: Will there be a setting to change the color scheme in each dashboard? Some users do not like the black screens and the font size is very small, even if we have the Tree Fonts as 14 pt.
Andy hadcroft
Seconded! Takes up acres of screen space
Ken Simpkin
Yes - this causing some of factory users who only have a single screen quite a few problems. If you could select a smaller font it woudl help when not in full-screen mode. Could it be added to the screen settings?