Data Import Manager

Inventory Master Issues (Object: Part)
Fields in tables below not found in object Part INVENTORY_MSTR code_total qty_recvd_not_insp qty_mfg_reqmts code_extra_desc pct_order_disc qty_beginning amt_beg_cost code_exception code_perm_fix date_exception ctr_back_order -> sets Backorder on Options screen date_last_verify qty_last_onhand flag_6_cost INVENTORY_MST2 amt_cost_1 amt_cost_2 amt_cost_3 lifo_base Cutting_charge shp_cnv_factor ship_um base_part INVENTORY_MST3 po_certs_reqd INVENTORY_COST none missing FG_STD_COST none missing Part OBJECT MISSING FILE, TABLE, COLUMN NAMES, and PROPERTY LENGTH InventoryStatus.Allocated InventoryStatus.Available InventoryStatus.Consigned InventoryStatus.InInspection InventoryStatus.InQuality InventoryStatus.InTransit InventoryStatus.Net FIELDS WE SHOULD REMOVE FROM IMPORT (Per Rhonda) All Proerties that start with , from FileName JSTND. INTEGER MASK NOT WORKING Mask on excel template for integers is not allowed when import processes. Template allows for -9999999 to 9999999; however, when you enter -1234567, it is not allowed. Postive numbers are only allowed. I have the log file and some screen shots if it will help. DISCREPANCIES FOUND Packing.Nmfc Sub Code: NMFC Sub no is 4 in length on template but only accepts 3 on screen Purchasing.UnitofMeasure.UnitOfMeasureCode is 3 in length on template & INVENTORY_MSTR but only accepts 2 on screen Information.UnitOfMeasure.UnitOfMeasureCode is 3 in length on template & INVENTORY_MSTR but only accepts 2 on screen Manufacturing.Issue.UnitOfMeasure.UnitOfMeasureCode is 3 in length on template & INVENTORY_MSTR but only accepts 2 on screen Pricing.Vat Product Retention Type. Vat Product type (INVENTORY_MST3: VAT_PRODUCT_TYPE) does not populate VAT Prod Type on screen (my Vat is off), so possible validation already in code that I'm not selecting? Usage.Last Roll Month (INVENTORY_MSTR: YEAR_LAST_ROLL) Screen says Month, where does Year come in? Confusing to customer/user. Usage periods (0,1,2,etc.) do not match object to pcc field (1,2,3,etc.) - NEED A SPECIAL NOTE to lessen confusion? Warranty Code XX did not come across on screen, only shows in table (no validation selected in DIM) Warranty table does require this to be numeric. Should we do the same here? Let me know if you have questions.
